HAPPY DOG PH: Weekend Blog Follower Caravan #25

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Weekend Blog Follower Caravan #25

Second time for Mad About Dogs to join the Weekend Blog Caravan No.25 to exchange and be a follower at Google Friend Connect [GFC]. Need some charging up to gain more followers for this site, thanks in advance for those who will follow, rest assure we'll return your sweet favor. 

Task for this week:
  1. Create a blog post with WBFC Badge to welcome the participants. Link it to this week's sponsors: Tetchie She and GEORGYL: Welcome to Our World.
  2. Submit your blog post to WBFC No.25. *Note: Not your homepage URL.
  3. Visit other participating blogs and leave a comment to fellow participants' welcome post if your done being GFC Follower. New and old follower are required to post comment. :)
  4. Make an effort to visit fellow participant's entry.
Weekend Blog Follower Caravan is a simple online blogger-helping-blogger weekly meme. It was designed for bloggers to help each other in terms of blog followers  through Google Friend Connect, email subscribers, Twitter Follower and/or Facebook Fan Page Likes.


  1. followed your GFC(wifetoalineman02) Sis, hope that you can follow me back


  2. hi! new GFC follower here! :)

  3. New follower here visiting via WBFC.

  4. new follower here via GFC. have a happy sunday :)

  5. hi! joined WBFC #25 and i am your 12th follower thru GFC!!! hope you can follow back my blog..here's my entry for the week..

    have a great week ahead!

  6. Hi! Followed you on GFC and liked your FB page as Thess Enriquez. Here's my entry for WBFC - http://www.mtgambrocio.com/wbfc-25/.
    If you're interested to win a Blackberry Curve, join Closeup Fire Freeze contest - http://www.mtgambrocio.com/win-a-blackberry-curve-from-closeup-philippines/

  7. Hi there!visiting for WBFC#25

    new follower here : Icar

    Icar (http://oflimesandlemons.blogspot.com)

  8. hiyeeeee following through GFC via WBFC#25 sorry for the late hopping had an emergency check up yesterday.

    followed as kha ^_^ m entry here

  9. followed you as Yannie


  10. followed you on GFC and liked your FB page :)

  11. New follower using Mona.
    Have time to follow me back, thanks.

  12. followed u @ GFC through WBFC
    please follow back :)

  13. Thank you for joining WBFC # 25.

    Following as "Mommy Rubz"

    Hope you can join again for WBFC #26!

  14. hi LIKED your page, cant see you follow button... BTW, sorry for the late visit, saw your comment in spam


We appreciate your barking :)